
Bioinformatics Example Repository

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Bioinformatics Example Repository

This repository contains example tools and pipelines discussed on my blog.


Here are some posts you may be interested in:

Getting Started

To run bfx-examples you will need Java 8 (aka Java 1.8) or later installed. To see the version of Java currently installed run the following in a terminal:

java -version

If the reported version on the first line starts with 1.8 or higher, you are all set.

Once you have Java installed and a release downloaded you can run:

When running tools we recommend the following set of Java options as a starting point though individual tools may need more or less memory depending on the input data:

java -Xmx4g -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+AggressiveHeap -jar bfx-examples-tools.jar ...


Each tool and pipeline has detailed usage and argument documentation that can be viewed at the command line by running the tool in question with no arguments.

Documentation is also available online: